Can You Put A Personalised Number Plate On Any Car?

Can I put my private plate on any car?


Personalised Number Plates Rules & Regulations

The private number plate world in the UK is a thriving market, allowing car owners to add a very personal touch to their pride and joy. However, it is crucial before you purchase a plate, you ensure to follow the legal rules and regulations enabling a hassle-free process before assigning it to your car as there are some exceptions.

From the very high-end plates down to your more affordable options the rules remain exactly the same.


Put it on hold (Retention)

When you purchase a number plate, you don’t have to assign it to a vehicle straight away. These plates can be held on a retention certificate, ready for use at a later date. They can stay on a certificate for up to 10 years – they do have an expiry date so make sure this doesn’t expire or your plate could be lost.


Can you put a new number plate on an older car?

You cannot assign your private plate to a vehicle that misrepresents its age, for example, a car that was registered in 2012 cannot hold a private plate which would indicate it was registered in 2018, this prevents any misrepresentation of your vehicle’s age and is considered unlawful.

This current number plate system enables you to quickly know how old a car is within a 6-month period. 

Also, you cannot use an older number plates that feature a letter to indicate the year it was registered rather than numerals, to make your car appear younger than it is.


How can I tell what year was my car registered?

In the current style of number plates, the third and fourth digits indicate the age of the vehicle. Plates are issued twice a year, Spring (1st March) and Autumn (1st September), making it easy to identify what the age the car is,  unlike many other countries where this information isn't directly displayed


For example, if your car’s registered between these months in 2021, the two numerals will be 2 and 1, so anyone can clearly see your car’s age. If your vehicle is registered after September 1st, 2021 and before March 1st, 2022 the numbers on your plate are created by taking the date and adding 50, which means you’ll have a 7 and a 1 on your plate.


Certain Exemptions for Specific Vehicles

There are certain vehicles that are exempt from an annual MOT test or heavy goods vehicle certification and do face restrictions in assigning personalised plates as it isn’t possible to assign a personal number plate to a vehicle that doesn’t need an annual MOT test or a HGV certificate. For example, such vehicles would be a farm tractor or any machine that is used for road repairs like a steam roller etc.

The DVLA issues registration numbers with the letter 'Q' for vehicles with identity or age uncertainties, prohibiting the use of personalised plates.


Kit Cars and Q-Plates

If you’ve got a kit car, particularly those with Q-plates, you can apply to the DVLA to use a private plate if you have evidence of its age.


What if my car already has a personalised plate on it ?

If your car already has a personalised plate on it, you can apply to the DVLA to have its original plates put back onto it (a must if you are selling your vehicle).  Alternatively, if you have bought a new private plate through ourselves, we can sort it for you. Your old private plate can be kept on a retention certificate and your new one will be assigned to your chosen vehicle. To do this, you’ll need your car’s V5 registration document (also known as a logbook) and £80 to cover the DVLA fee.

While personalised number plates add flair and individuality to vehicles, understanding the regulatory landscape is paramount. Navigating the rules ensures a lawful and aesthetically pleasing integration of private plates with your cherished vehicle.


Contact Moonstone Plates

If you are struggling, have any questions or would like to buy/sell a number plate, get in touch with our team today and we can help you. Either click here to contact us, give us a call on 01995 213112 or drop us a message on one of our social media pages and we would be more than happy to advise and assist you.